Painted Mason Jars & Flower Pots DIY

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Hello, hello! I don't know about y'all but in San Antonio we have been getting POUNDED with rain! It took me an hour and a half to get to work Monday due to all the road closures and detours. I am happy about the (slight) cool front that accompanied this storm, but it better clear up by this weekend! (It's my birthday <3) I was planning on re-potting several of my plants, but the weather had other plans so instead I settled for an easy DIY I've been planning to do for a while. Painting is so therapeutic for me, especially when it's something simple and for fun. This way I'm not worried about messing up or not getting something perfect. No pressure, just paint! 
You can find these painted Mason Jars all over Etsy for various prices. My mom bought a couple sets for the bathrooms from a lady and that is where I first saw them, so I can't take credit for this idea. But I thought, my goodness how simple and people are paying $40 for a set. You can buy an entire set of Mason Jars for like $8 at the grocery store. Use some old paint or buy some for a few bucks, add some twine and you've got the same thing! 

I use these to hold my toothbrush, makeup brushes, sponges and bobby pins. These would make super cute pen holders (teacher friends hi!) or vases. Throw in your Q-tips and cotton pads. Stick a candle in the bottom. Plant a super cute cactus or use them as a wedding centerpiece! So many possibilities and it's sooooo easy.

 And while I had my paint out, I decided to paint my boring clay pot and give it some personality. I used painters tape to mark off some triangle shapes. Then I went in with a couple of coats of metallic gold. Lastly I added some turquoise because why not?!

Here are all the paint colors I used. I mixed white with the Royal Violet to get a pastel color.



 It's not perfect, but I like that because it gives it personality. This is a Fittonia. Also known as a Nerve Plant or Angel Plant. I love the pink leaves!
Sorry for the blurry pictures! I was trying not to get paint everywhere. 


Remove the screw-lid from your jars unless you want them painted too. 

Paint on the outside. I find putting them upside down is the easiest way to do it. 
See the tiny jar? That's from a garlic container! Haha. Just make sure to wash whatever jars you reuse.

I will probably use these both for plants! If I was doing a bathroom set or desk set I would use one solid color for them all, like my bathroom set below!

After they dry, sand over the brand name gently to get the worn affect. I did not use any primer or sealer for these for this reason. I like them to look a little old. Add a bow with twine or burlap. Boom, done! So cute for so many possibilities. Andddd the chalkboard obsession continues! I made this on a wood round then hot glued some twine to the back. I think these are much more practical and cuter when they are hangable! I use chalkboard markers from Hobby Lobby. They don't come off as easy as chalk but they are way easier to write with and look much bolder. If they don't come off well you can always paint over! Obviously my leaves need some work! Haha. I hope you liked this post and feel inspired to get creative and do some relaxing of your own! Happy Tuesday!



Preserving Pumpkins For Fall Decor

Monday, September 26, 2016

Last Thursday was the first day of fall and I welcomed the season with open arms. Hobby Lobby has had all fall and Christmas decor on 40% off for quite some time now. I picked up a cute scarecrow door hanger for only $12. But my favorite way to start decorating for fall, is by using real pumpkins and gourds. You can get a bag of the gourds like I used for $5 at HEB. I also was so excited to see new pumpkins this year. There are "pink" pumpkins like I got and dark green as well. I love the pink because it looks like something straight out of Cinderella. But it still has a peach/orange tint to it so that you don't stray too far away from true fall colors. If you have a pumpkin patch or farmers market nearby you can probably find even better deals and more options. I don't plan on carving these pumpkins, just setting them out for decoration. If you do plan on carving I would recommend waiting until about two or three weeks before Halloween since the carve pumpkins will decay much faster. 

Left alone. the pumpkins and gourds will last much longer. These are the steps I use to preserve my pumpkins and gourds to help slow down the rotting that I found on this blog through Pinterest. 

You will need: 




Towel or washcloth

Tub or large sink 

 Aside from the pumpkins, you most likely have everything else at home already.

Fill your tub or sink with 10 parts water 1 part bleach and let your pumpkins soak for 5-10 minutes. Don't overdo the bleach or it will eat away at the skin of your pumpkins.

 Wear gloves if you have them so that the bleach does not irritate your skin. You may have to push or hold the small ones under. After 5-10 minutes, let them air dry.

If you plan to paint your pumpkins, skip the next step and go straight to painting. The colors are mine were gorgeous, so I chose to leave them their natural colors.  

With a washcloth or paper towel, buff each pumpkin/gourd with a little Vaseline to moisturize the skin and give it a pretty shine. If there is excess or they are slippery, wipe them down with a clean cloth or paper towel. You don't want them to be sticky or slippery.

And then you're done! Your pumpkins are now clean and shiny and ready to be put to use. I use mine as a centerpiece for my living room table and as random decor around the house. If you follow me, you have probably noticed I have been on a chalkboard paint kick. I picked up this chicken wire/chalkboard hanger at the Round Top Antique Fair last year. It has been loaded down with pictures and memories but I never got around to writing or drawing anything on the chalkboard side. Here's what I ended up doing! I'm pretty pleased with how it came out. I hope you found this post useful and happy fall y'all!



Six Flags Fiesta Texas 2016 Fright Fest

Friday, September 23, 2016

I've been a fan of horror movies and scary things for as long as I can remember. Something about scary movies is so funny to me. When most people are screaming I'm usually laughing. One of my favorite shows of all time is American Horror Story. And in college for my design class I had to create a magazine and my entire theme was horror. But put me in a haunted house or in front of a scary costume and I will lose my sh*t! It's just TOO real and too up close and personal for me. I went to the House of Torment in Austin one year and closed my eyes the entire time, hanging onto my friend's hand for guidance. Funny side note, the actors are not supposed to touch you but one of my friends gave them permission to prank me. My friend let go of my hand and when I turned around to regrab it I was holding the hand of a dead pirate. There was screaming and panic. LOL! So when I got invited to go to the early VIP night of Six Flag's Fright Fest I was STOKED. Slightly nervous, but stoked. I honestly was blown away by how elaborate everything was. I mean the costumes, the props, the actors, the affects. Everything was amazing they seriously go all out. There was scary music, strobe lights. and fog. So much fog! And they left the park pretty dark so even just walking between houses was creepy!  Each area had Scare Zones outside. The scariest to me were the zombies and the clowns. Clowns are just eerie no matter what. Jumping around and laughing with their crazy eyes, it's just unsettling. There was one puppet clown who disturbed me the most because he looked so inhuman. I'm sorry to inform you guys that I am a huge wimp and did NOT go into the 3D Clown house. I mean clowns is one thing but in 3D?! I don't think my heart could handle it. But nothing scares me more than...ZOMBIES. I don't know where Six Flag's gets their actors from but these people looked and acted straight out of The Walking Dead. I mean they had the slumped walk and sprint and hissing down to perfection. It was horrifying. And my fear was obvious when about four of them circled me and left me sprinting away. The zombies were part of the RockKill High School haunted house which was by FAR the scariest and most popular attraction! You go through different settings of the school such as the lab and the locker room. The coach was creepy! Buried Alive was probably the most unique attraction. You go "down" an elevator shaft and walk through an old mining shaft. Everyone inside is dead and gears come out at you! My friend said she thought they threw saw dust or something similar on her at one point when she went. All the houses are so different!

Haunted Houses:

Buried Alive

Buried Alive exposes eerie tunnels and passageways long forgotten beneath Crackaxle Canyon. As you descend into the bowels of the abandoned mine via a rusty, corroded elevator shaft, your mistake becomes all-too apparent. Step through the hall of maggots before witnessing the evening finales, a bizarre satanic ritual at the skeleton alter.   

Torture Chamber

Torture Chamber, in Spassburg, is a dark and decaying medieval reminder of how far twisted henchmen will go to extract your most terrifying fears and phobias. Around each horrifying, scream-filled corridor in a castle dungeon, you'' encounter pure evil as deranged sub-humans seemingly enjoy inflicting pain as they mutilate their terrified prey!

RockKill High School

Back from the dead with an even more horrific ending is RockKill High School! Would anyone dare stop by abd visit the most horrific haunted house in RockKill? The walking dead roam the halls of RockKill High School in hopes to tear away at fresh brains and flesh. This gory haunted house features the bloodiest undead creatures waiting for guests at every corner.

Slaughterhouse 6

A barn-full of screams and terror in Crackaxle Canyon where no one makes it out alive! See your food chain too up-close-and-personal, as creatures are led to slaughter where mistakes occur with alarming frequency.  

Fear House 3D

A frighteningly 3D crazed-clown filled maze with nightmareish illusions. A dark, twisted circus of horrors with insane clowns who roam the halls waiting for new souls to prey on. This demented haunted house is a nightmare come to life filled with illusions that will makes even the sanest guests lose their minds.

You can find out all the dates and buy tickets on the Six Flags Fright Fest website!

I'm not sure whose grandma that is but she was brave!

 This witch kept following us around, so I finally told her to hop in the picture with Wilson, haha!

As for the Chupacabras, I thought they were pretty cute in a weird way. They reminded me of Lilo and Stitch. Maybe if Stitch and a gremlin had a baby. And he made this growling noise that sounded like purring! These guys were the most mild and my favorite. Haha!

Fright Fest also has shows and a kid-friendly Looney Tunes trick-or-treat trail. These weren't open yet but I really want to go back to watch the shows! The Haunted Houses are not recommended for children 12 and under, so the Looney Tunes trail would be great for those of you with little ones.

Special thank you to Emerald Kailoni and Six Flags Fiesta Texas for inviting me to the VIP night. I had so much fun and highly encourage all adrenaline and fear junkies to check it out ASAP! You won't regret it, and hopefully you are braver than me. ;) Thanks for reading, and don't forget to suscribe!


Magnolia Wreath Dupe

Friday, September 23, 2016

I love Fixer Upper! I mean what girl doesn't?! Chip and JoJo are just plain adorable and the houses and decor they create are what Pinterest dreams are made of. One of my favorite pieces is the Signature Magnolia wreath. Often styled layered over an old window pane or some type of frame. (Haha that rhymed) Also great as a clean and simple door hanger appropriate for any season.  I love this wreath, but JoJo, girlfriend, $95 for a circle of leaves?! I don't think so. So I found some amazing dupes for half and a quarter of the price for you Fixer Upper fans! I personally love the Hobby Lobby one, and right now it is on sale for $25!! Seriously, so much more reasonable. I also found so many great ones on Etsy. If you're more of a do-it-yourselfer and up for some crafting, I linked a super easy and cheap DIY as well! Enjoy!


$50 on sale for $25 during half off floral sale for a limited time!




And if you really wanted to be cost friendly, here is a great and simple DIY for a $10 Magnolia Wreath! 

If anyone attempts the DIY, send me your pictures! :) Thanks for reading and have a fantastic weekend!


DIY Chalkboard Wood Slices

Thursday, September 8, 2016

This may possibly be one of the cheapest and easiest DIY's I've ever done. You have probably seen these in stores or on Etsy and Pinterest, but I am here to tell you, do not spend money on a pre-made one. It's way to easy and fun to make!


  • Chalkboard Paint, paint on kind NOT spray. I used Valspar but any brand is fine!
  • Paint brushes or sponges. I prefer the little sponge sticks.
  • Pre-cut wood round of your choice. They make all different sizes and shapes. They are sold at Hobby Lobby and craft stores in the wood section and are not expensive, but if you have the means to cut them yourself, by all means do it. If you cut your own make sure you sand them before painting.
  • Chalk
  • Chalkboard markers. These are optional but you can find them in Hobby Lobby next to their chalkboards. 
  • A tarp or towel to put down so you don't stain your floor or counters. As you can see in the pictures I used my lovely designated paint towel.

So step one is pretty self explantatory. Paint! Make sure to stir before using to mix the chalkboard paint up so it's not watery and runny. Use the smoothest side of the slice. There is no right or wrong way to go about painting. I did two different slices and on one I left the edges exposed and on one I painted the entire surface. I ended up liking the one with edges untouched a lot better. It shows off the tree more. Let dry and then add another coat so that there are no see-through places. I let mine dry over night.

After your paint is completely dry you need to season your chalkboard. If you skip this step then whatever you first write on the board is going to stay there even after it's erased. Wood is porous so its important to "season" the board with a layer of chalk before writing anything. To do this you need regular chalk. Use the flat side like shown below and cover the entire slice in a layer of chalk vertically.  Then do the exact same going horizontally. You don't have to let this sit, but once again I let mine sit overnight just to be safe.

I got my chalk from the dollar section at Target.

Yay almost done! Wipe your chalk layer off with a damp cloth or papertowel. Let it dry and now you are ready to decorate!

I chose to use a chalkboard marker because it is so much easier to write with and fill in. Plus it stands out much more and they also make colored markers! I think these would be really cute to either prop up on a picture frame stand or hang from some burlap ribbon.

You can change it up at anytime with a damp paper towel. The regular chalk comes off easier so I would recommend that if you are doing a countdown or something that will be erased often.

 I hope you love this cute and simple DIY! Thank you for reading and feel free to share or ask questions. Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss a post. :)


Saving Succulents from Rot

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

You are going out of town for a week or two, so you think let me give my plants a good soaking to make up for the time I'll be gone. Even though you just watered them two or three days ago. Fine right? For an ivy or flowers...sure, but cactus are a totally different story. Cactus really should only be watered after their soil has completely dried out. I water mine about once a week, no more. Cactus do not like to be constantly wet as it can lead to rot. Rot = death to your plant. BUT sometimes if you catch it early on enough you can save them!

This little guy was in a pot of three different cacti and I guess the other two were much more durable. Sometimes it's hard to read what your plant babies are trying to tell you. This guy started to get brown but was not mushy so I assumed he was getting sunburned and gave him more water. A couple days later he was squishy at the base and his little arms were coming off and I realized he was rotting. It's so sad when this happens and I feel like a failed mother but I always try to salvage plants when this happens.

First, dig up the entire plant, roots and all. It's important that you dig out all of the plant so that no nasty rot is left behind, especially if your cactus shares its home with others. Throw out whatever parts are brown and squishy. But save anything that still looks normal. Mine disconnected from the roots so I dug those up and got rid of them.

With a clean knife or pair of scissors, assess what part of plant the rot ends at and cut off all of the dead parts, leaving a nice, fresh cut where the healthy plant begins. For mine specifically I had to take each little arm off and cut off the bottom of all of the stalks. Do this for all healthy pieces, no matter how small! You can see how I had to take off one more slice since there was still rot left after my first cut.

Now set aside your cuttings in a dry and sunny area. Outside somewhere covered or in a windowsill is ideal. You don't want any moisture getting on these guys. Let the cuttings sit for a few days until they develop a dry, solid callus over their cuts. Once they are completely dry you can reintroduce them to soil. No need to completely plant them, just let the tip of the plant slightly push into the soil. Do not water them for at least another week after this. If they decide to take again they will sprout roots and do their own thing. The best thing to do is leave them alone. I have had plants re-root in weeks and some did nothing for months and then suddenly planted itself again. It's pretty fascinating!
I will update this post if there are any improvements to this guy! Thank you for reading, don't forget to subscribe so that you can stay updated on this little dude's recovery!

Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs