My boyfriend and I's social media interaction basically consists of tagging each other in pictures of cute bulldog puppies and videos of food he wants me to make. You know the ones on Facebook that make every recipe look so simple and delicious? Yes, those. I am constantly saving the posts, but rarely do I actually make them. A couple weeks ago, however; he tagged me in a video for Texas Sheet Cake Cookies. The cookies looked so easy to make and were covered in chocolate so I was sold on them instantly.
Here is the recipe I used:
These were so easy to make! It says the recipe makes 24, but I only got 14 out of it. Maybe this means I am making my cookies too big, (impossible, there's not such thing) but I thought they were perfectly sized. It also makes a TON of icing. Way more than I needed. I decided my best option was to completely smother the cookies and drown them in chocolately goodness. After letting them dry, I scooped them with a spatula and put them in a a Pyrex container so that I could keep them sealed. I shared these with my boyfriend and his family and they were a hit! I probably ate half the batch myself. If you love chocolate or the taste of fudge this is an easy way to get your fix! Thanks for reading and don't forget to subscribe!